Monday, December 19, 2005

Retro Posting Start: Trinity

(No date. Written before college.)


The mystery of the Trinity has evaded us for years and years. For centuries devout Christians and scholars have prodded this issue; comprehending the 'how?' and 'why?' of our faith. St. Augustine, himself, was forced to admit that it is impossible through mere human effort to understand the depth of the Trinity; according to the story, St. Augustine's efforts on solving the Trinity's mystery was compared to a child trying to pour the whole ocean into his little hole.

Yes, our minds are only little holes that could not take on the width and depth of this ocean of knowledge. Then again, maybe that's just it...why take on the whole of the ocean? Why not take a drop from that ocean to cherish and understand instead? From that little drop we take, the mystery of the whole ocean is there; same structure, same a smaller portion.

Maybe we should change the term: "Three Persons in One God", to: "The Three Personalities of our God".

God is our Father. After all He did create us and gave us life. A truly good and responsible father: looking after us, loving us, allowing us the benefit of His blessings, and teaching us through trials and hardships. God has a strong father figure in the Old Testament because He was the benefactor and protector of the Israelites. He was head of their race, imposing the law and order by directing His chosen leaders personally, like a modern, well-organized manager. He has the personality as our Father, because he encourages us to depend on Him, to seek His attention, and ask for His help. He reminds us that He is the rock or pillar that we should hold to, assuring us of our security and his guidance.

God is the Son. God sent His Son not only to save us but to be our role model, our older brother. God sent to Earth the example for His children; Christ was how we should be as God's children. Jesus Christ was sent to us as our teacher, His death was His greatest was the lesson of how deep unconditional love should be. God in this person, presents Himself more humanly and personally to us. He knows that sometimes the `father figure' approach does not appeal to His people; so he showed us that He is like a good brother: dependable, down-to-earth and encouraging. That He our God is not an unapproachable God. That he would not look down on us in wrath when we do something wrong, on the contrary He would be the one to set us right and ease our hurts.

God is the Holy Spirit. God is not just someone we deal with, He is someone we carry and celebrate within us. He is not just our benefactor and comforter, He is our life itself. The joy we feel in the goodness we do is God within us. He is life and eternal love. The completeness we feel when in love is how God feels like. We do not feel wanting or imperfection, just the blindness of giving love and allowing ourselves to be consumed by our thoughts of love that we build our lives around what we should do for love. There is no hesitation when God is within us.


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