Tuesday, December 20, 2005

20 January 2001

20 January 2001

I think American Beauty is Objectivist, but I'm not going to write about that. I just opened with that, because after watching that film I arrived at writing this. Howard Roark is the way he is because he is an orphan. There was no one to put him down for loving beauty. Look at Dominique Francon, she recognizes and adores her ideal but because of her father's influence in her life she's willing to go along with the farce.

I hate children. I'm very vocal about it, so I'm sure that one or two other people know that too. I love babies though, but when adults start tainting them, pardon me, then it's like pissing on a canvas. (On an unrelated note there are actual paintings made of excrement and urine. If it were modern, I wouldn't want to go near it.) Children who start to babble in words they hear are the most painful. Kids further up the ladder, those beginning Kindergarten up to when they start to pick out friends, are the worst. Higher up it's annoying, and when they become teenagers it's pitiful. (Technically, I'm not a teenager anymore. I'm a young adult.)


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