Friday, December 30, 2005

August 1997 Ideology paper for History I, Mr. A. Esguerra

Ideology paper for History I, Mr. A. Esguerra

What Is Now

The social unrest that is apparent all over our nation today is brought about by the failure of the Philippine government to realize true democracy. It seems that the ruling body has forgotten that above them are the people, and that they were put there in the first place to serve the masses. The people have become tired of being second best in the interests of the nation when they comprise the nation itself. There is a need to reform the actuality of the present form of democracy in our country. We have to redefine what we hold as conventional. For instance, the people who are seated in powerful positions in the government should cease to call themselves our leaders, instead they should say that they are servants of the nation; the president is not to be held as the head of the state, rather he is the executor of the people's decisions. In truth, it is already stated in the second article of the constitution that, "Officers of the government are servants of the people and not their masters. They shall, at all times, be accountable to the people." But what is stated as a reality in the constitution is not the actuality of our nation. We as the majority should remind our public officials of their place and purpose, and we as the majority should take up our responsibility. We should no longer be ignorant of what is apparent, that we as the majority hold the real power in changing the nation.

True democracy reigns when the Filipino is not hindered to progress regardless of his being poor, illiterate, uneducated, a minority, a Muslim, a Christian or any other belief, even regardless of his sexuality. We have discrimination, not in a black against white sense, but in a social status sense.

We Must Be For Our Brothers and Sisters

No man is an island, we are an archipelago.

Patience, vigilance and understanding must be exercised if we hope to turn the tide of illiteracy and ignorance. A basic Filipino has no real self-respect, because he does not know himself. What he does know is the supremacy of the Western Culture. The Western Culture is driven by money, [so it follows that] those who want to be westernized are driven by money. [Our ancient culture of simplicity must be explored once more, because it will define us.] We must recognize what we were, because it is the answer to our loss of identity. Education and mass media will be our means to incorporate pride in our culture. Cultural pride will develop self-respect, and it is because of this that a person picks up values. Now that he recognizes that he is a person of worth he will no longer foster undesirable traits. But how do we reach those that are not receiving any form of media and education? Then we simply have to go them. If we want our "word" to be spread, then we will work to fulfill this. Let it be known that we share the same past, that old grievances should be forgiven to give way to new ties, and that the real enemy is our ignorance not our differences. We are all victims of history, but we are the survivors of today. Let us start something new from what did not work out.

What We Shall Use

Brevity is the key to good communication. We shall be concise and precise, and we will not hide anything from others. We shall state it as it is without any bravado because our truth is all we need. [Furthermore, truth is the cold shower of the sleepy.]

How Will We Be Heard

"When a woman is in travail she has sorrow, because her hour has come; but when she is delivered of the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a child is born into the world. So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you."
(John 16:21-22)

We must cry. We must wail. We must shout. We must rant. [Let us be exhibitionists.] How can we awaken others, if we do not make noise? How can they relate to our noise, if we do not form words? How can they understand our words, if we do not have a message? How can they sympathize to our message, if we do not show our suffering? Let us abandon any visage of pride or arrogance. We cannot solve our problem if we are not willing to suffer for it, because suffering is the pre-condition we have to endure. Suffering in the process of striving for our goal will make attaining that goal even sweeter and more precious. We have to sacrifice to attain another. Our time and our sweat will be the manifestations of our vigil. People will begin to question our suffering because no one suffers for no reason at all. We will be heard because people are curious by nature. Perhaps some will be convinced or even impressed by our willpower to withstand all for our goal. Of course, others will feel differently and they will argue and ridicule us, but rest assured we will not go unnoticed.

How will we suffer? By denying ourselves peace of mind until we unify this country. We shall be haunted by our hunger to realize the one body of all Filipinos. Weariness will come over us because we are unrepentant in our constant forward struggle to attain the one body of all Filipinos. The heat of passionate discourse will scorch us because often we will encounter people driven by different ideals, but we shall prevail to form the one body of all Filipinos. Suffering is the fuel and the questions we precipitate is the fire.

When we finally have transmogrified to our new body all we have gone through will be our legacy to coming generations. What we have endured will teach those who seek to become tyrants among us that the more we suffer the greater will eventually be our victory.


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