Tuesday, December 20, 2005

16 May 2004

16 May 2004

The "If you could choose your parents who would you pick?" List (nod to Zafra):

1. Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter (I bet dinners are cerebrally staggering)

2. The Beckhams (Instead of bragging "My dad can beat the crap out of your dad." I can say "My dad can beat the crap out of your dad without lifting a pinkie or breaking a sweat in his tight shirt, in any region of the world...by deploying his frenzied female fans." Plus I can do a guest interview in "Spice Girls: A Study on the Social Components that Trigger Mass Hysteria".)

3. Benoit Magimel and Juliet Binoche (daddy's symmetrically beautiful features and mommy's deep mysterious eyes and innocent yet coquettish allure; what a beautiful bunch their children will make)

4. Hillary and Bill Clinton (the ultimate political power couple and incredibly unsinkable; if they had more than one kid they could start a political dynasty with more savvy than the Kennedys)

5. Galadriel and Celeborn (hey it's a fantasy list in the first place!)

(I read in Time that Seal and Heidi Klum are together - they make sixth if only I get daddy's voice and mommy's looks)


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