Tuesday, December 20, 2005

06 June 2004

06 June 2004

Just my luck to be squashed between the window and this furkin mastodon who was doing his utmost to smother me on the bus to work. The damned troglodyte invaded the shores of my personal space and planted his freaking banner at the base of the sea wall. I had to battle with elbows at my face, pudgy arms at my side, and restless feet attached to chunky calves that wandered the sticky floor. In defense, I had to cross my ankles, take shallow breaths, and tuck my equally pudgy arms into my chest. I numbly stared out the streaked glass to the wet streets while darkly weaving a string of curses to hang the unlettered orc beside me, and maliciously planned to trample his toes when I squeeze past him to reach the door. Of course, the fact that he (or it) was a ton heavier than me foiled my evil intent. Besides, crushed toes and all, those meaty fists can surely pummel me to the ground. At a serious disadvantage, all I could do was cow and regret that I passed on getting a copy of "Dark Magic for Everyday Use" so that I could turn my tormentor to something horrible, like a wart-infested toad, or a senator.


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