Tuesday, December 20, 2005

28 May 2004

28 May 2004

For someone who has prided herself in cultivating a stoic exterior I've recently been quite the drama queen. It's as if all the hate, insecurities, and fears that I've refused to acknowledge in the past have caught up with me and is determined to either smother me with depression, or tear me apart with rage. What I'm surprised with is how large an arena of battle is within me - how hollow I've become. I've always thought that I have a full life and I'm stunned by how greatly I've overestimated my shallow existence. I have wrought nothing of meaning. There is certainly regret at the loss of the mirage that has coddled my delusions, but should I be grateful?


10 Witty Repartees That Round Up My Chuck-E-Cheezie Tribute To "10 Things I Hate About You"

MS. PERKY: I'm sure you won't find Padua any different than your old school. Same little asswipe shit-for-brains everywhere.

CHASTITY: I know you can be overwhelmed. You can be underwhelmed. But can you ever just be whelmed?
BIANCA: I think you can in Europe.

KAT: Remove head from sphincter, then drive!

BIANCA: Where did you come from? Planet Loser?
KAT: As opposed to planet "look at me! look at me!"?

PATRICK: Well, maybe you're not afraid of me. But I'm sure you've thought about me naked, huh?
KAT: Am I that transparent? I want you. I need you. Oh baby, oh baby.

PATRICK: See that, there? Who needs affection when I have blind hatred?

MICHAEL: No, because I know you're a fan of Shakespeare.
MANDELLA: More than a fan. We're involved.

WALTER: Where's your sister going?
KAT: She's meeting some bikers. Big ones. Full of sperm.

WALTER: You know, fathers don't like to admit it when their daughters are capable of running their own lives. It means we've become spectators. Bianca still lets me play a few innings. You've had me on the bench for years. And when you go to Sarah Lawrence, I won't even be able to watch the game.

KAT: You can't just buy me a guitar every time you screw up, you know.
PATRICK: Yeah, I know. But then, you know, there's always drums and bass and maybe even one day a tambourine.


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