Tuesday, December 20, 2005

13 October 2001

13 October 2001

People have always told me that I don't do things right. I've been told that with my looks I should pay more attention to primping. I've been told that I walked like a man because I strode to fast. I've been told that I'm too aloof and that I need to be more forthcoming. I've been told that I don't listen at all and that I read too much. I've been told that I'm too frank. I've been told that I'm too kind. I've been told my name doesn't fit me because it's too feminine. I've been told that my nickname is too cute for me. I've been told that I think too much and that nothing really deserves that much thought. I've been told to shut up during "grown up" talk. I've been told that I'm weird on the phone...I've also been told that I'm just plain weird. I've been told that I'm arrogant, obnoxious, and too high-brow. I've been told that I'm a prude and a goody-goody. I've been told that I'm too abrupt.

Pseudo-pundits and amateur shrinks have been breathing down my neck for years, and to them I say here in writing, "Viva yo!" Which, translated from Spanish, roughly means, "Hurrah for me! And to hell with the rest of you!"

I am not your lap-dog. If you think you can break my back then try to do so...but don't expect me to deliver my spine to you! You'll never get your grubby hands on my soul, because I'll never allow it to be subjected to you!

Why should I care for the opinions of people who can hardly come up with an opinion about themselves? Who do not know themselves? Who has to rely on others to measure themselves up? If they are not sure of themselves, then how in the world can they be sure of others?


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